A tremendous emotional weight was taken off my shoulders.

I wanted to take a moment to express my deep appreciation for the wonderful and compassionate care give to us by Dr. Kimberly.  Socks, my friend and companion, of 14 years, was severely incapacitated by her hip joint pain.    I am a disabled veteran, and was fearful that Socks would fall and I would not be able to pick her up to help her.  It was time for me to say good bye to this sweet girl.  Dr. Kimberly came out and gently allowed Socks to pass away quietly.  It was so peaceful and comforting.  A tremendous emotional weight was taken off my shoulders.  I could not have been more pleased with the care given to Socks.

My two year old Granddaughter came into the room after Socks had been taken away for cremation, and she looked at Socks’ empty bed with sadness.  I had a picture of Dr. Kimberly with her dog, that was laying on my desk.  I explained to my 2 year old Granddaughter that Socks had gone to find her Mama.  She saw the picture of Dr. Kimberly with her dog, and immediately relaxed because finding a Mama was something a 2 year old could understand.

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