If you are visiting this website, chances are that you either have made the decision that it is time to free your pet from their suffering, or that that time is drawing near and you want to be prepared. It is one of the most difficult decisions that you will ever have to make as the caretaker of your pet. You are looking for a way to make this transition easier for your pet, to lessen his suffering, and make it as painless and stress-free as possible.
While often heartbreaking, it is a loving and selfless decision that you can make as an advocate for your suffering friend. Dr. Maggie and her team are compassionate, empathetic, and non-judgmental.
Please visit these pages for more information on what to expect and how to prepare:
Phone: 512-553-8333
Business Hours: Sunday – Saturday: 9am – 4pm
House Calls are made by Appointment Only, and may vary from Business Hours.
The best way to leave a message after business hours is to complete the Contact Form. Messages received after business hours are answered as soon as possible, but no later than next business day.
This is not an emergency service. If it is an emergency, please contact a 24-hour veterinary service.